After using my Mac for almost a month, I begin to "feel" some performance degradation. A little googling lead me to this article. In summary if you do not ON your Mac between 03:15 to 05:30 you are not going to be getting the vital maintenance tasks which keeps your Mac in tip top condition. To run the command manually (10.2 and above only) issue this command from your terminal:
machine:~ user$: sudo periodic daily
machine:~ user$: sudo periodic weekly
machine:~ user$: sudo periodic monthly
Enter the root password when prompt.Close the terminal once you have completed. You can run the above commands in no specific order. The above commands would clear most of the old garbage left behind from installer and also old log files.
machine:~ user$: sudo periodic daily
machine:~ user$: sudo periodic weekly
machine:~ user$: sudo periodic monthly
Enter the root password when prompt.Close the terminal once you have completed. You can run the above commands in no specific order. The above commands would clear most of the old garbage left behind from installer and also old log files.
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